PEAPLE, M., INGLIS, G., LANGDON, P., JOSHI, M., MATTHEWS, A., OSBORN, T., ROBERTS, W., MEYER, J.-Y. & SEAR, D. 2023. French Polynesia was drier post 1000 yrs bp. XXI International Union for Quaternary Research Conference (INQUA), 13-20 July, Roma, ITALIA.
CLERISSI, C., CHAÏB, S., RAVIGLIONE, D., ESPIAU, B., BERTRAND, C. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2022. Environmental DNA and metabolomics reveal the influence of the invasive plant Miconia calvescens on soil diversity in the island of Mo’orea (French Polynesia). 8èmes journées scientifiques GDR MediatEC, Cargèse, Corse, FRANCE.
SEELY, T., FORTINI, L., SAAH, D., MEYER, J.-Y. & BATTLES, J. 2022. Examining the structural impact of invasive trees on tropical forest canopy on the islands of Hawai'i and Mo'orea: an application of terrestrial LiDAR. Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting, 14-19 August, Montreal, Québec, CANADA.
LARRUE, S., BARAY, J.-L., CHADEYRON, J., COGNARD, F., FAUCAN, F., MEYER, J.-Y., FLORES, M., FUMANAL, B., CONTE, E. & MAZAL, L. 2020. Modélisation de la dispersion de l’espèce invasive Spathodea campanulata (Bignoniaceae) dans les îles de la Société (Polynésie française): bridgehead effect et représentations sociétales. Journées de restitution des PEPS, CNRS-INEE, 05-06 mars, Paris, FRANCE.
PALMAS, P., MEYER, J.-Y., DE MERINGO, H., TEATIU, G., BAMBRIDGE, R., TEATIU, S., TIMAU, T., MAIHOTA, N., GAERTNER, J.-C. & VIDAL, E. 2019. Feral cats threaten the biodiversity of French Polynesia: some island-dependent patterns. Island Biology 2019, 08-12 July, Saint-Denis, La Réunion, FRANCE.
LIBEAU, M., POUTEAU, R., TAPUTUARAI, R. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2017. Predicting the risk of plant invasions on islands: the case of Miconia calvescens in the Marquesas, French Polynesia (South Pacific). Island Invasives 2017, 10-14 July, Dundee, Scotland, UNITED KINGDOM.
MEYER, J.-Y., 2016. The conservation status of the endemic flora of French Polynesia: la maison brûle (the house is burning)! Island Biology 2016. International Conference on Island Evolution, Ecology and Conservation, 18-22 July, Terceira Island, Azores, PORTUGAL.
JOST, X., MEYER, J.-Y. & JOST, C. 2015. Clipperton: une biodiversité changeante et vulnérable. Colloque Clipperton - un atout méconnu, Assemblée nationale, 15 octobre, Paris, FRANCE.
LARRUE, S., DAEHLER, C, MEYER, J.-Y., POUTEAU, R. & VOLDOIRE, O. 2015. Spatial distribution and leaf chlorophylle fluorescence of the invasive tree Spathodea campanulata on the island of Tahiti (French Polynesia, South Pacific). 13th International Conference on Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions, 20-24 September,Waikoloa, HAWAII, USA.
MEYER, J.-Y., VIDAL, E., JOURDAN, H. & MALAU, A. 2015. Sentinels of global changes: the French Pacific island territories as exceptional sites for research and management of invasive alien species. 27th International Congress on Conservation Biology, 02-06 August, Montpellier, FRANCE.
NITTA, J., MEYER, J.-Y., TAPUTUARAI, R. & DAVIS, C. 2015. Investigating the role of a cryptic stage in fern community assembly. Next Generation Pteridology, 13th Smithsonian Botanical Symposium, 01-05 June, Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., USA.
TAPUTUARAI, R., MEYER, J.-Y., JORDAN, M., TEROROTUA & FLORES, O. 2014. Forest structure, composition and dynamics along a temperature and humidity gradient in the island of Tahiti (South Pacific). Island Biology 2014, 07-11 July, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
NAKAMURA, K., KOKUBUGATA, G., PENG, C.-I. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2011. Shallow genetic divergence of Ophiorrhiza species (Rubiaceae) endemic to the Society islands (French Polynesia, South pacific) and its conservation implications. Evolution of Life on Pacific Islands and Reefs: Past, present and future, 26-30 May, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
JACQ, F. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2010. Le "tiare 'apetahi" Apetahia raiateensis, symbole de la flore menacée d'extinction en Polynésie française : régression rapide des populations et causes de disparition. Conférence sur la Conservation de la Flore Menacée de l'Outre-Mer français, 13-17 décembre, Saint-Leu, La Réunion, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2008. Is eradication of the invasive tree miconia feasible? Lessons from 15 years of active management in French Polynesia (Pacific Islands). 16th Australian Weeds Conference, 18-22 May, Cairns, AUSTRALIA.
MEYER, J.-Y., TAPUTUARAI, R. & KILLGORE, E. 2007. Disemination and impacts of the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. miconiaeon the invasive alien tree Miconia calvescens in the rainforests of the island of Tahiti (South Pacific). XII International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, 22-27 April, La Grande Motte, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y. & TAPUTUARAI, R. 2007. Impacts du changement climatique sur la biodiversité terrestre de Polynésie française. La végétation et la flore de la zone subalpine des hauts sommets de Tahiti comme modèle d'étude. 2ème Assises de la Recherche française dans le Pacifique, 9-12 octobre, Papeete, Tahiti, POLYNESIE FRANCAISE
LEDOUX, S., ALLOUCHE, Y., MEYER, J.-Y., PUTOA, R. & JOURDAN, H. 2006. An update of the ant fauna of Tahiti and Moorea (French Polynesia). The International Union for the Study of Social Insects Congress XV, 30 July-4 August, Washington DC., USA.