MEYER, J.-Y. 2023. Threats and solutions to safeguard the vegetation of South Pacific islands. 65th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS), 03-08 September, Coffs Harbour, AUSTRALIA.
MEYER, J.-Y., FABRE BARROSO, S., DI SALVIA, L. & TAUREAU, F. 2023. What coastal ecosystem to restore in Pacific Islands? Alien mangroves versus native submangroves in the Society Islands (French Polynesia). 5th Pacific Islands Universities Research Network (PIURN) Conference, 04-06 July, Rarotonga, COOK ISLANDS.
McKEOWN, M., BEILMAN, D., TUIWAWA, M., PREBBLE, M. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2023. The development of a hydrological transfer function for montane peatlands in the tropical South Pacific - Fiji and Futuna. XXI International Union for Quaternary Research Conference (INQUA), 13-20 July, Roma, ITALIA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2023. 25 years of invasive alien species management in the islands of French Polynesia (South Pacific): successes...and failures. 4th International Congress on Biological Invasions, 01-04 May, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND.
CLERISSI, C., CHAÏB, S., RAVIGLIONE, D., ESPIAU, B., BERTRAND, C. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2022. Environmental DNA and metabolomics reveal the influence of the invasive plant Miconia calvescens on the soil diversity in the island of Mo’orea (French Polynesia). 8èmes journées scientifiques GDR MediatEC, Cargèse, Corse, FRANCE.
SEELY, T., FORTINI, L., SAAH, D., MEYER, J.-Y. & BATTLES, J. 2022. Examining the structural impact of invasive trees on tropical forest canopy on the islands of Hawai'i and Mo'orea: an application of terrestrial LiDAR. Ecological Society of America (ESA) Annual Meeting, 14-19 August, Montreal, Québec, CANADA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2022. Atoll floras and forests as "harbingers" of local and global changes in the Pacific Ocean. Botany 2022. Plants at the Extreme!, 24-27 July, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2021. Wetlands of the oceanic islands of French Polynesia (South Pacific): ecosystems at high risk! 11th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference, 10-15 October, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND.
PALMAS, P., MEYER, J.-Y., BAMBRIDGE, R., CHAILLER, E., DE MERINGO, H., TEATIU G., TEATIU, S., TIMAU, T., MAIHOTA, N., GAERTNER, J.-C. & VIDAL, E. 2021. Feral cats threaten French Polynesian biodiversity of inhabited islands: effects of introduced rodents assemblage. The First International Electronic Conference on Biological diversity, Ecology and Evolution, 15-31 March, ON LINE.
PALMAS, P., MEYER, J.-Y., DE MERINGO, H., TEATIU, G., TEATIU, S., TIMAU, T., MAIHOTA, N., GAERTNER, J.-C. & VIDAL, E. 2019. Feral cat threat on French Polynesia inhabited islands: influence of island characteristics. 3rd International Conference on Island Ecology, Evolution & Conservation, Island Biology 2019, 08-13 July, Saint-Denis, La Réunion, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y., SOUBEYRAN, Y., LAVERGNE, C. & DELNATTE, C. 2019. The "French Connection": lessons learned from the management of invasive plants in French Overseas tropical islands. 3rd International Conference on Island Ecology, Evolution & Conservation, Island Biology 2019, 08-13 July, Saint-Denis, La Réunion, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y., VIDAL, E. & JOURDAN, H. 2019. Biological invasions and biodiversity crisis in island terrestrial ecosystems: an agenda for the Oceania region. Biodiversity in Oceania Regional Workshop IPBES, 24-25 June, Nouméa, NEW CALEDONIA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2018. From West to the far East: biocultural affinities and dissimilarities of the floras of some Polynesian islands (South Pacific Ocean). 10ème Colloque international sur les plantes aromatiques, médicinales et cosmétopées, 19-23 novembre, Punaauia, Tahiti, FRENCH POLYNESIA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2018. Comment concilier la conservation avec la valorisation des plantes endémiques insulaires ? Le cas des orchidées dans îles tropicales de l'Indo-Pacifique. 10ème Colloque international sur les plantes aromatiques, médicinales et cosmétopées, 19-23 novembre, Punaauia, Tahiti, FRENCH POLYNESIA.
MAZAL, L., LARRUE, S., MEYER, J.-Y., & BARAY J.-L. 2018. Essai de modélisation des capacités de dispersion des espèces invasives Spathodea campanulata et Tecoma stans (Bignoniaceae) sur les îles de la Société (Polynésie française). Colloque GdR Invasions biologiques, 22 octobre, Rennes, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y., STRASBERG, D., VIDAL, E., DELNATTE, C., JOURDAN, H. & MULLER, S. 2018. Saving the threatened terrestrial biodiversity in the French Overseas tropical islands: which research strategy? International Conference on Ecological Sciences (sfécologie2018), 22-25 October, Rennes, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y., POUTEAU, R., LIBEAU, M. & TAPUTUARAI, R. 2018. The invasive tree Miconia calvescens, a global threat to tropical island forest ecosystems worldwide: mapping its current and potential distribution. 7th International Conference on Environmental Future: Humans & Island Environments, 16-20 April, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2017. L'invasion par des plantes introduites dans les îles tropicales du Pacifique : de la connaissance et la compréhension à une gestion intégrée et durable. Colloque pluridisciplinaire sur les espèces introduites, 21-24 novembre, Fort-de-France, Martinique, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2017. Perceptions sociétales des espèces introduites envahissantes dans les îles de l'Indo-Pacifique : comment résoudre ou éviter les conflits d'intérêts. Colloque pluridisciplinaire sur les espèces introduites, 21-24 novembre, Fort-de-France, Martinique, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y. & FOURDRIGNIEZ, M. 2017. Islander perceptions of alien invasive species in French Polynesia (South Pacific): the role of socio-economy and culture. Island Invasives 2017, 10-14 July, Dundee, Scotland, UNITED KINGDOM.
LIBEAU, M., POUTEAU, R., TAPUTUARAI, R. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2017. Predicting the risk of plant invasions on islands: the case of Miconia calvescens in the Marquesas, French Polynesia (South Pacific). Island Invasives 2017, 10-14 July, Dundee, Scotland, UNITED KINGDOM.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2016. Plants and Polynesians: the challenges of conservation, valuation, and sustainable and equitable use of phyto-diversity in French Polynesia. 5th International Cosmetopoeia Congress/First International Cosmetopoeia Conference, 22-24 November, Punaauia, Tahiti, FRENCH POLYNESIA.
MEYER, J.-Y., FOURDRIGNIEZ, M. & LAITAME, T. 2016. Perceptions sociales des espèces envahissantes dans les îles de Polynésie française (Pacifique) : "dis moi où tu vis et je te dirai qui tu es". Colloque GdR Invasions biologiques, 24 octobre, Marseille, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2016. Rôle et importance de la recherche en conservation de la biodiversité terrestre dans les îles de la Polynésie française. Colloque & Atelier de travail sur les Sciences de la conservations dans les écosystèmes insulaires terrestres ultramarins, 04-06 octobre, R. Gump Biological Research Station, Mo'orea, FRENCH POLYNESIA.
MEYER, J.-Y., 2016. The conservation status of the endemic flora of French Polynesia: la maison brûle (the house is burning)! Island Biology 2016. International Conference on Island Evolution, Ecology and Conservation, 18-22 July, Terceira Island, Azores, PORTUGAL.
MEYER, J.-Y., 2016. Restoring native forest plant diversity through partial defoliation of the invasive Miconia tree with an introduced fungal pathogen. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Society for Conservation Biology, 17-20 July, Madison, USA.
MEYER, J.-Y., TAPUTUARAI, R. & JORDAN, M. 2016. Long-term study of forest dynamics and monitoring of the impacts of plant invasions and climate change in the islands of Tahiti and Moorea (French Polynesia). 23rd Pacific Science Congress, 13-17 June, Taipei, TAIWAN.
MEYER, J.-Y., VIDAL, E., JOURDAN, H. & MALAU, A. 2015. Sentinels of global changes: the French Pacific island territories as exceptional sites for research and management of invasive alien species. 27th International Congress on Conservation Biology, 02-06 August, Montpellier, FRANCE.
LARRUE, S., DAEHLER, C, MEYER, J.-Y., POUTEAU, R. & VOLDOIRE, O. 2015. Distribution, abundance and photosynthetic characteristics of the invasive tree Spathodea campanulata on the island of Tahiti (French Polynesia, South Pacific). 13th International Conference on Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions, 20-24 September,Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.
NITTA, J., MEYER, J.-Y., TAPUTUARAI, R. & DAVIS, C. 2015. Life cycle matters: divergent patterns of community structure between fern sporophytes and gemetophytes. Botany 2015. Science and Plants for People, 01-05 June, Edmonton, CANADA.
MEYER, J.-Y., 2014. Gestion des plantes envahissantes dans les îles du Pacifique : enjeux et solutions. Colloque régional sur l'agriculture durable, 24-28 novembre, Mata 'Utu, 'Uvea, WALLIS ET FUTUNA.
MEYER, J.-Y., TAVAEARII, R., TAPUTUARAI, R., LAITAME, T., NAHOE ZAMORA, E. & DUBOIS, A. 2014. Restoration of native vegetation invaded by alien plants in small tropical islands of the South Pacific. 2nd Conference of SERA (Society for Restoration Ecology Australasia Chapter), 17-21 November, Nouméa, NEW CALEDONIA.
LAITAME, T., MEYER, J.-Y. & GAERTNER, J.-C. 2014. Restoration in highly degraded habitats: plant regeneration following ungulate exclusion and invasive plant control in a remnant of semi-dry forest on the island of Rapa iti (South Pacific). Society for Conservation Biology Oceania, 09-11 July, University of the South Pacific, Suva, FIJI.
MEYER, J.-Y., BLANCHARD, P., TEROROTUA, M., TAPUTUARAI, R. & AH-PENG, C. 2014. Patterns of fern diversity and abundance on an elevational gradient in the island of Tahiti (South Pacific). Island Biology 2014, 07-11 July, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
MEYER, J.-Y., DUBOIS, A., NAHOE ZAMORA, E. & TAPUTUARAI, R. 2013. Reversing the ecological collapse: native habitat restoration and alien invasive plant control in Rapa Nui (Easter Island). 12th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, 8-12 July, University of the South Pacific, Suva, FIJI.
TAPUTUARAI, R., LAITAME, T. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2012. Restoration of native vegetation on the Temehani Rahi plateau, Raiatea island (French Polynesia): the importance of post-control monitoring and a study of plant succession. Society for Conservation Biology Oceania Conference, 21-23 September, Darwin, AUSTRALIA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2012. Which species to save first? Conservation of the native and endemic flora of French Polynesia and proposals for species and habitat prioritization. Pacific Islands Species Forum, 25-27 April, Honiara, SOLOMONS.
MEYER, J.-Y., POUTEAU, R., FOURDRIGNIEZ, M. & TAPUTUARAI, R. 2011. Plant introductions and invasions in Polynesian islands: new conservation challenges in novel ecosystems. French Polynesia Palaeo- and Neo-Ecology Symposium & Workshop, 29 November-1st December, R. Gump Biological Research Station, Mo'orea, FRENCH POLYNESIA.
PREBBLE, M. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2011. Burning paths to treelesness: fossil records of plant extinction in Polynesia. French Polynesia Palaeo- and Neo-Ecology Symposium & Workshop, 29 November-1st December, Mo'orea, FRENCH POLYNESIA.
MEYER, J.-Y. & MALAU, A. 2011. Lost islands? Biodiversity conservation weaknesses, challenges and opportunities in French Pacific islands. 25th International Congress for Conservation Biology, 5-9 December, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2011. Of Miconia and Men: the story of a scientifically and socially successful biological control program in Tahiti, French Polynesia (South Pacific). XIIIth International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, 11-16 September, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.
MEYER, J.-Y., POUTEAU, R. & TAPUTUARAI, R. 2011. Mapping vegetation and predicting the distribution of alien invasive and rare endemic plants using remote sensing on the island of Moorea, French Polynesia. 22nd Pacific Science Congress, Session 2. Global Change & Ecosystem, 14-17 June, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2011. Alien species invasions, endemic species extinctions, mutualism breakdowns, plant succession trajectory changes, and biodiversity conservation strategy in Southeastern Polynesian Islands: how "good" are novel ecosystems? Evolution of Life on Pacific Islands and Reefs: Past, present and future, 26-30 May, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
NAKAMURA, K., KOKUBUGATA, G., PENG, C.-I. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2011. Shallow genetic divergence of Ophiorrhiza species (Rubiaceae) endemic to the Society islands (French Polynesia, South Pacific) and its conservation implications.Evolution of Life on Pacific Islands and Reefs: Past, present and future, 26-30 May, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
FUNK, V. A., FREW, E., JOHNSON, G., KNOPE, M., BONIFACINO, M., CRAWFORD, D., GANDERS, F., LORENCE, D., MEYER, J.-Y. & WAGNER W. L. 2011. Biogeographic patterns in Pacific Bidens. Evolution of Life on Pacific Islands and Reefs: Past, present and future, 26-30 May, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
POUTEAU, R., MEYER, J.-Y., TAPUTUARAI, R. & STOLL, B. 2011. A comparison between GARP model and SVM regression to predict invasive species potential distribution: the case of Miconia calvescens on Moorea, French Polynesia.Proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, 10-15 April, Sydney, AUSTRALIA.
MEYER, J.-Y. & STAHL, L. 2010. Gouvernance de la conservation de la flore menacée de l'outre-mer français : "act locally but think globally". Conférence sur la Conservation de la Flore menacée de l'Outre-Mer français, 13-17 décembre, Saint-Leu, La Réunion, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y. & FLORENCE, J. 2010. Flore vasculaire menacée de Polynésie française : quelle stratégie de conservation ? Conférence sur la Conservation de la Flore menacée de l'Outre-Mer français, 13-17 décembre, Saint-Leu, La Réunion, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y. & THIBAULT, J.-C. 2010. Vanishing endemic frugivorous birds and endangered plants in the islands of Eastern Polynesia (South Pacific): an extinction cascade? 5th International Symposium-Workshop on Frugivores and Seed Dispersal, 13-18 June, Montpellier, FRANCE.
SPOTSWOOD, E., BARTOLOME, J. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2010. Novel dispersal relationships on remote oceanic islands affect native communities and species invasions in French Polynesia. 5th International Symposium-Workshop on Frugivores and Seed Dispersal, 13-18 June, Montpellier, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y., LOOPE, L.L. & GOARANT, A.-C. 2010. Strategy to control the invasive alien tree Miconia calvescens in Pacific Islands: eradication or containment? Island Invasives: Eradication and Management, 8-12 February, Auckland, NEW ZEALAND.
SPOTSWOOD, E.N., BARTOLOME, J.W. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2010. Birds in seed dispersal webs: consequences for native communities and species invasion in French Polynesia. Cooper Ornithological Society/American Ornithologist's Union/Society of Canadian Ornithologists Meeting, 07-11 February,San Diego, USA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2009. The Miconia saga: 20 years of study and control in French Polynesia (1988-2008). 2009 International Miconia Conference, 04-07 May, Ke'anae, Hawai'i, USA.
MEYER, J.-Y., FOURDRIGNIEZ, M. & TAPUTUARAI, R. 2009. Habitat restoration using a biocontrol agent: the positive effects of the fungal pathogenColletotrichum gloeosporioides f.sp. miconiae on native plant recruitment in Tahiti (French Polynesia). 2009 International Miconia Conference, 04-07 May, Ke'anae, Hawai'i, USA.
MEYER, J.-Y., JOURDAN, H. & MALAU, A. 2009. Gestion des invasions biologiques dans les îles françaises du Pacifique: (ré)concilier les approches occidentales "modernes" des conceptions insulaires "traditionnelles". Le Réveil du Dodo III. Journées francophones des Sciences de la Conservation de la Biodiversité, 17-19 mars, Montpellier, FRANCE.
FOURDRIGNIEZ, M. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2009. The positive effects of a biocontrol pathogen agent introduced against the invasive alien tree miconia (Miconia calvescens, Melastomataceae) on the growth and fertility of two endemic threatened plants Ophiorrhiza spp. (Rubiaceae) in Tahiti (French Polynesia).11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, 02-06 March, Papeete, Tahiti, FRENCH POLYNESIA.
ILTIS, J. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2009. La mangrove des îles de la Société et de Hawaii : histoires parallèles d'un écosystème introduit. 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, 02-06 March, Papeete, Tahiti, FRENCH POLYNESIA.
DAVIES, N., MEYER, C., MEYER, J.-Y., MORITZ, C., PLANES, S. & RODERICK, G. 2009. Moorea Biocode Project. 11th Pacific Science Inter-Congress, 02-06 March, Papeete, Tahiti, FRENCH POLYNESIA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2008. Is eradication of the invasive tree miconia feasible? Lessons from 15 years of active management in French Polynesia (South Pacific). Proceedings of the 16th Australian Weed Conference, 18-22 May, Cairns, AUSTRALIA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2007. Invasion dynamics and management of the tree Casuarina equisetifolia in the atoll of Moruroa (French Polynesia), a former nuclear test site in the South Pacific. 9th International Conference on the Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions, 17-21 September, Perth, AUSTRALIA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2007. Erosion of the endemic fauna and flora in the islands of French Polynesia: facing a third wave of extinctions? Biodiversity Extinction Crisis Conference, 10-12 July, Sydney, AUSTRALIA.
LEDOUX, S., ALLOUCHE, Y., MEYER, J.-Y., PUTOA, R. & JOURDAN, H. 2006. An update of the ant fauna of Tahiti and Moorea (French Polynesia).The International Union for the Study of Social Insects Congress XV, 30 July-04 August, Washington D.C, USA.
CHEVILLOTTE, H., EMMANUELLI, E., FERRARIS, J., FLORENCE, GALZIN, R., MELLADO, T., MEYER, J.-Y. & PELTRE, P. 2006. Suivi des phénomènes bio-invasifs et réhabilitation de la biodiversité des aires protégées : l'exemple de l'île de Moorea en Polynésie française. AUBERTIN, C., PINTON, F. & RODARY, E. (eds.), Les Zones Protégées: Aires d'Expérimentation du Développement Durable : recueil des contributions. Séminaire de clôture de l'Action Transdépartementale Incitative Aires Protégées, 28-30 novembre, Orléans, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2005. Les expéditions scientifiques pluridisciplinaires aux Australes : cadre, enjeux, objectifs, déroulement et bilans. Austral Islands Biodiversity Conference, 08 novembre, Papeete, Tahiti, POLYNESIE FRANCAISE.
MOTLEY, T., LUONGO, A. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2005. Vegetation map and the phylogenic relationships of some endemic taxa. Austral Islands Biodiversity Conference, 08 novembre, Papeete, Tahiti, POLYNESIE FRANCAISE.
FLORENCE, J., MEYER, J.-Y., BUTAUD, J.-F., MOTLEY, T. & CHEVILLOTTE, H.2005. Phytogéographie des îles Australes, végétation et flore menacée. Austral Islands Biodiversity Conference, 08 novembre, Papeete, Tahiti, POLYNESIE FRANCAISE.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2004. Gestion de la biodiversité terrestre dans les îles française du Pacifique. Management of Terrestrial Biodiversity in the French Pacific Islands. Assises de la Recherche Française dans le Pacifique, 24-27 août, Nouméa, NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE.
LAILLE, M. MEYER, J.-Y. & SUHAS, E. 2004. Recherche de principes antiviraux dirigés contre les virus de la dengue issus des plantes endémiques ou indigènes de Polynésie française. Assises de la Recherche Française dans le Pacifique, 24-27 août, Nouméa, NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE.
ENGLUND, R. E., POLHEMUS, D. & MEYER, J.-Y. 2004. Critical biodiversity hotspots for terrestrial forest insects and freshwater biota in French Polynesia. Assises de la Recherche Française dans le Pacifique, 24-27 août, Nouméa, NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE.
LAILLE, M., MEYER, J.-Y. & SUHAS, E. 2004. Recherche de principes antiviraux dirigés contre les virus de la dengue issus des plantes endémiques ou indigènes de Polynésie française. Assises de la Recherche Française dans le Pacifique, 24-27 août, Nouméa, NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE.
DE GARINE-WHICHATITSKY, M., BARRE, N., BLANFORT, V., BRESCIA, F., CHAZEAU, J., JAFFRE, T., JOURDAN, H., MEYER, J.-Y. & TASSIN, J. 2004. Adverse impacts on terrestrial biodiversity in The French Pacific Islands: effects of human activities and biological invasions. Assises de la Recherche Française dans le Pacifique, 24-27 août, Nouméa, NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2003. Manual and biological control of Miconia in French Polynesia. Hawai'i Conservation Conference, Year of the Hawaiian Forest, 10-11 July, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2002. A comparative study of the invasive alien plants between the Pacific and Indian Ocean tropical islands. 1st Regional Session of the Global Biodiversity Forum for the Pacific, 04-05 July, Rarotonga, COOK ISLANDS.
MEYER, J.-Y. 2000. The threat of invasive plants in native forests of Eastern Polynesia. 43rd Symposium of the International Association of Vegetation Science, 23-28 July, Nagano, JAPAN.
MEYER, J.-Y. & TCHUNG, V. 1999. Current status and recovery project of rare endemic plants (Psychotria spp., Rubiaceae) threatened by the invasive alien tree Miconia calvescens (Melastomataceae) in Tahiti, French Polynesia. Asia-Pacific Congress on the Biology of the Environment, 21-24 November, SINGAPORE.
MEYER, J.-Y. 1998. Conservation impacts of Miconia calvescens, a dominant invasive tree in the Society Islands. Society Conservation Biology Conference, Macquarie University, 13-16 July, Sydney, AUSTRALIA.
MEYER, J.-Y. 1997. Conservation of native terrestrial biota in French Polynesia: we've only just begun. Pages 9-10 in Abstracts for 6th South Pacific Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas 1997, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia.
MEYER, J.-Y. 1997. Gestion de l'invasion par Miconia calvescens en Polynésie française. Colloque Les Plantes Menacées de France Métropole et Dom Tom, 15-17 octobre, Brest, FRANCE.
MEYER, J.-Y. 1997. Perspectives d'avenir pour la lutte contre Miconia calvescens en Polynésie française: stratégie générale et tactique de terrain.1ère Conférence Régionale sur la Lutte contre le Miconia, 26-29 août, Papeete, Tahiti, POLYNESIE FRANCAISE.
MEYER, J.-Y. 1995. Invasion by Miconia and its impact on native biota in Tahiti. Hawaii Conservation Conference, 27-28 July, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.